The contents of this website are provided at our best accuracy. The provider reserves the right not to be responsible for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the provided contents. The use of the available contents occurs at the user’s own risk. Namely marked articles reflect the belief of the respective author and not always the belief of the provider.
The provider will go to great lengths to offer the service on call as uninterrupted as possible. Also with best accuracy down times can't be eliminated. The provider reserves the right to change his offers or to suspend the website at any time.
This website includes connections to third websites ("external links"). Those websites are subject to the liability of the respective operator. At the first-time connection the provider has checked if external contents are lawful. At that time no infringement was obvious. The provider has no stake in the update and future design, nor in the contents of the linked sites. Placing external links doesn't mean that the provider adopts contents behind the link as his own. A permanent check of external links isn't reasonable for the provider if there are no concrete indications of infringement. If we get information about an infringement, external links will be canceled at once.
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Using the provider’s website doesn’t imply a contractual relationship between user and provider. In no respect contractual or quasi contractual claims can be made against the provider. If the use of the website leads to a contractual relationship, the following exclusion of liability applies: The provider is liable for intent and gross negligence as well as for violation of a basic contractual obligation (cardinal obligation). The provider has a limited liability for damages that are foreseeable and intrinsic to the contract, i.e. for damages due to a slight infringement of a cardinal obligation by himself, by one of his legal agents or by an assistant. The provider isn't liable for a slight infringement of a secondary obligation which is no cardinal obligation. The liability for damage that comes under the protection area of a provider’s guarantee or agreement, as well as the liability for claims based on the Product Liability Act and damages affecting life, body or health remains unaffected by the above.
The contents, translations and creations published on this website are copyrighted. Every usage not allowed by the German Copyright requires a written acceptance from the respective author or originator. This regulation does apply to copying, editing, translation, saving, handling and reporting respectively of contents in databases or other electronic media and systems. Contents and articles of third persons are labeled. The illegal copying and transferring of contents and complete sites isn't allowed and punishable. Only copies and downloads for the personal, private and non commercial use are allowed.
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During a visit to the provider’s website, information about access (to date, time, viewed page) can be stored on the server. These data don't belong to the individual data, they are made anonymous. They are evaluated exclusive for statistic purposes only. There is no transfer to third persons for commercial or non commercial purposes.
Furthermore data can be stored on the computer of the user of the website. These data are called "cookies" and they are meant to simplify the user’s access. The user has the possibility to deactivate this function of the respective web browser. In that case restrictions in operating our website are possible.
The provider refers explicitly to security issues at data transfer on the internet (for instance communication by e-mail). Data can’t be consistently protected against the access by third persons.
The use of contact data of the identification of the provider - in particular phone-/fax number and e-mail address - for commercial advertising is undesirable unless the provider has given his written acceptance or there exists already a commercial contact. The provider and all persons named on this website contradict every commercial use and transfer of your data.
Only the law of the Federal Republic of Germany will apply.
If there are specific terms of particular use of this website which are different from points (1) till (4), this will be mentioned explicitly. In that case the specific terms of use in the particular case apply.
German source: Disclaimer of - Portal for law with lawyer search.
Tour „Enchanting Loreley”
Tour „Enchanting Loreley” including nature hike and wine tasting
Fon: +49 (0) 6774 – 745
Fax: +49 (0) 6774 – 8174
Deutschland Germany information
Rhein river information
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Source: Foto Loreleyfelsen Felix König | © 2006 - 2014 go_on Software GmbH |