The miniature golf course is close to the Rhine. It belongs to the garden inn Hermy’s Garden and it is ideal for families. The parents enjoy the gastronomy while the kids play miniature golf. Variable opening hours.
St. Goar
Hermy‘s Garden
Rheinanlagen St. Goar
Am Hafen 1
Tel.: 06741 - 13 60
Tour „Enchanting Loreley”
Tour „Enchanting Loreley” including nature hike and wine tasting
Fon: +49 (0) 6774 – 745
Fax: +49 (0) 6774 – 8174
Deutschland Germany information
Rhein river information
Loreley Info now mobile
Source: Foto Loreleyfelsen Felix König | © 2006 - 2014 go_on Software GmbH |