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Since 1273 the four Rhine electors met at Rhens, the intersection of their territories. Twice they voted a German king at this place, i.e. in 1346 the later emperor Karl IV and in 1400 Rupprecht of the Palatinate. At this history breathing place a stone throne was erected between 1376 and 1398. Here the newly elected rulers - on their way from the place of election Frankfurt to the place of coronation Aachen - administered the oath of allegiance to the electors.

The Königsstuhl was destroyed by the French in 1803. After a big fund-raising, in which also the Prussian king took part, the Königsstuhl was rebuilt between 1840 and 1843.

In 1924 the throne had to make room for industry.

Zródlo: Mittelrheinforum



Source: Foto Loreleyfelsen Felix König
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